Friday, September 7, 2007

Blogs are no better than life!

Well, it turns out that I'm as (UN)successful in blogmancing as I have been in romancing! My blogmance has disappeared, making my available again! :)

I was at the Post Office yesterday. The teller was talking about retirement (LOVE those government pensions, don'tcha!) I said I would be 80 before I retired. She said "You've never married, you have no children, you can retire early!"

Really annoyed me because it is TRUE - but not the whole truth.

I still would like to believe that I could get married and have kids, although I'm not sure how many more years I'll feel that way. Sigh...I guess time will tell.

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

My blogmance

A gal from Ohio started crushing on me while reading Jackie's blog. Made me think that there was a whole imaginary life for me in my little bitty computer machine.

Here's to Teri from Ohio, my first official blogmance.

Steff tried to intervene, shaking her naughty bits at me through the computer screen. I was tempted, I must admit, but I stayed true to Teri!!!

There must be more blogmance out there for me, wouldn't you think?